Investing in LEGO and using Less Mess Storage services
Would you like to invest your money but you’re not sure what to invest it in? Lego blocks, that have recently been experiencing a renaissance, are a less obvious but actually an increasingly popular option. Some of us associate LEGO blocks with children’s toy, however, the vast majority of people have realised that this can’t be further from the truth – LEGO blocks are definitely a product targeted not only at children. An increasing number of sets has been designed for adults. In the wide range of various sets, there’s something for younger and for older people, for men and for women.
Investing in LEGO blocks
LEGO keeps releasing new sets, but each of them is available for some time and then withdrawn from production and from official sale and therefore becomes a limited edition. There is not one specific period of time after which each set is withdrawn from official distribution. It differs from one set to another. After a given set has been withdrawn from production, its value usually increases.
Investing money in LEGO should always be carefully considered. When it comes to choosing the sets that we want to invest our money in, it is also a good idea to give it some thought. Investing in LEGO blocks may seem like a nice hobby that many people see as a way of making some extra money.
LEGO – a long-term investment
Buying LEGO blocks in an interesting idea for an extra income, however, you need to remember that it also implies locking your money away for a long period – even for a few months or years. The sets come in different sizes. Even if you decide to purchase a few smaller sets, storing them may become quite a challenge. Keeping them in your flat is hardly ever a good idea. First of all, they take up a lot of space that we usually can’t spare (unless you live in a big house) and second of all, you need to make sure that the sets are stored in appropriate conditions so that they don’t get damaged. A damaged box automatically decreases the value of the whole set. Therefore, it should be stored in optimum conditions, away from children and pets.
Investing in LEGO and Less Mess Storage
The perfect place to store not only LEGO sets, but also all the things that we don’t have enough room for in our flat, are self storage units offered by Less Mess Storage. Each unit is equipped with a separate lock and is protected with modern security systems. Additionally, each unit has optimum storage conditions, which means that you do not need to worry that your sets will get damaged or stolen. You can adapt the size of your unit to your personal needs. If you find it difficult to estimate the size that you need, ask one of Less Mess Storage employees for help. Bear in mind that some LEGO sets may increase in value only after a few years. Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a safe and well-protected place to store them. Less Mess Storage will issue a VAT invoice for you that you will easily include it in your company’s expenses.