Due to the rocketing inflation and uncertain economic situation that we are experiencing, interior works in the house require much more money than they did a few years back. Buying all the equipment and appliances only after we have picked up the keys from the real estate developer and finished all the renovation works inside, might lead to a situation in which we pay a higher price for all the goods. Therefore, while furnishing our new place, it is advisable to look for good bargains and buy products on sale in order to avoid paying exorbitant prices. Even though it seems quite simple, we still need to decide where to store the things that we have bought on sale. In general, it is safe to assume that the flat we are about to leave is not big enough to contain a new fridge, a washing machine or a dishwasher. What should we do then? An excellent solution in this kind of situation is renting a self storage unit at Less Mess Storage. Self storage units offer not only optimum storage conditions, but also modern security systems and flexible contracts that can be signed for a period as short as one week.
This solution will also be efficient when organising renovation works or moving house, as sometimes we need to leave our old place before we can transfer all of our belongings to a new one.
How to transport a newly bought fridge to and from a Less Mess Storage unit without getting it damaged?
There is no doubt that a fridge is one of the kitchen appliances that we couldn’t go without in our everyday life. Usually, it is one of the first pieces of equipment that we want to get installed when moving to a new place. It might happen that we need to have it transported – how should we proceed to make absolutely sure that we don’t damage our appliance?
What should we remember about when organising the transport of our fridge?
Transporting large-sized objects, especially things such as a fridge, is quite a challenge. These appliances tend to be big and heavy and even taking them out of the flat might turn out complicated.
Hence, in such situations, it is a good idea to consider hiring a professional transportation company that deals with moving all kinds of furniture and equipment. These specialists will make sure that securing the fridge, putting it in the car and transporting to your destination is handled properly. If, on the other hand, we do not want to spend money on transportation services or we simply prefer to do it ourselves, the best idea is to ask a family member or a friend for help. Transporting a fridge, even if it is a slim design one, requires at least two pairs of hands, which means that you will definitely need some extra support.
What else should we keep in mind? Having the sufficient space in the car. It means that you will need at least a small van or a trailer where the fridge could be placed in a secured position without the risk of getting it damaged in any way during transport. Moving a fridge horizontally or vertically will require a significant amount of space so, prior to transporting it, we should make sure that it fits.
Transporting your fridge horizontally? Which side should you put the fridge on?
Specialists recommend to transport your fridge vertically, which is the most optimum position to avoid potential damage or breakdowns. Even when carrying your fridge, you should proceed in a similar way. But given the fact that it is virtually impossible, bear in mind that you should not tilt it more than at a 75-degree angle.
But what if we don’t have enough room in our car and the only possible way to transport our fridge is to do it horizontally? The best solution is to put it on the side. Whether it is a left or a right side will depend on the position of the tubes and pipes, which we can expect to be at the bottom. Transporting a fridge lying down on the side is a safe way of putting it in a completely new place without risking getting any of its parts damaged in the process.
Does it mean that transporting a fridge lying down on its back is out of question then? Not necessarily, but it is quite likely that the compressor oil will leak to the cooling system, so this method is not a recommended one. Similarly, it is not advisable to put the fridge in your car facing the floor, as it might cause unsightly dents and scratches.
How long should a fridge remain unplugged after being transported?
Once we know how to transport a fridge, we are halfway to success. However, in order to be absolutely sure that the appliance works perfectly, under no circumstances should we plug it in immediately. Plugging in a fridge that has been transported should happen 12 hours after we have put it in our new place. Why? The oil from the power generator needs some time to flow back to its place, as transporting the fridge on its side causes it to move.